So it turns out i chose a really, really bad week to work from home. My harmless self-preservation directed attempt to stay warm at home attending 7 am live meetings instead of walking to work in below freezing weather all through last week came back and bit me!
Mid week when i was about ready to brace myself to get to the office (holiday season notwithstanding) just to get out we were hearing warnings about a bad snow storm creeping up on Seattle. Now it's important to understand-that unlike the northeast where snow is a given, mundane even-it gets elevated to 'elite' status here in the Northwest simply because we just dont know how to deal with it. The joy of a White Christmas aside, the hilly terrain and slopes all over our region makes driving with snow impossible around here unless you have a 4 wheel drive (which too isnt helping this year!) So when 7 inches of snow joins hands with below-freezing temperatures-the snow doesnt get even a chance to melt into puddly nothingness. Instead it freezes wickedly into ice (or worse-invisible 'black' ice on the roads that takes you for a scary spin with your tyres getting absolutely no traction however hard the DTC on your swanky car tries)and then-the storm dumps a fresh layer of snow on old ice for a perfect disaster waiting to happen.
Now i agree i am dripping with weatherman-speak, but i am fed up! Fed up of being cooped up at home with snow all and around, fed up of trying to make exotic food at home when all i am craving is a cocktail and crappy fries at my favorite watering hole. Fed up of being on house arrest watching tv, checking email (did i mention-with the whole company attempting to login from home, we had major issues getting Outlook access the first day the storm came), doing laundry and pacing up and down the length of my tiny apartment as the only alternative to the 30 minute walking i am used to most days.
It's Sunday evening-and i never thought i'd ever say this but- i am dying to go to work Monday morning. But by the looks of things-it's looking bleak. Sigh. Please go away snow and send us back the rain showers that we have learnt to live with. I want 'normal' back.