Monday, November 12, 2007

A Distracted Take on Ads

The hardest thing to do on a cold winter (alrite-it's still fall, but i reserve the right to crib about the cold!) night when you're curled up in a Downy-smelling comforter on a 500-threadcount sheet is-getting out of that cocoon of sheer warmth and toasty comfort. And why? To wash your face of course!
Yeah yeah-call me a stickler for skincare rules-but no matter how much of an 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' moment it might be-i take a deep breath and step out.

Somewhere-a skincare giant caught onto the sheer frustration involved in this exercise for the finicky women across the nation. and they came up with an adline that said 'Bored? Go wash your face!' When i first saw that ad-it instantly registered somewhere in my brain. A promise to take away the 'BORING' from this chore? A foamy, frothy, effervescent experience that i won't get over two days later? You mean i can actually make my routine-bound life happening by using this 'magical' product? Ok-you've got my attention!

Unfortunately, before the brand could even register, the spot was over and there were dogs running across the screen of my television scampering to get to their bowl of Pedigree doggy-chow. Oh well-maybe next time i'll concentrate some more..

And that really is the story with most advertisements these days. The only ones that stick are the ones you hate (try googling for an ad called' Headon-Apply Directly to the forehead' and if it doesnt drive you crazy-come back and post me a comment! Yet it's supposed one of the most effective ad campaigns with some serious brand recall). The ones that glide past your conscience like a momentarily 'interesting' piece of trivia are the 'pretty pictures' and the 'gooey chocolate brownies' that never seem to come back to you when you're strolling down the frozen-foods aisle.
Maybe that's why its important to use jingles that have your brand name muscially trilling through the entire eye-ball moment (remember Utterly Butterly Delicious-Amul!). Or maybe this is all baloney coming from someone who has a mild attention disorder.

The fact remains: i really havent gotten down to buying that facewash yet. Though i really want to. I just cant remember which one to buy when i go to a pharmacy. (Help me out marketers-put out some in-store eye-candy that might just remind me of the ad!) Are there more such 'scatter brained potential consumers' you just lost out on?

As for me: i am back to the 'moment of truth': its time for shuteye but...i gotta wash my face first. How boring!

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